Be our spiritual support in the fight to heal abuse

We urgently need our retreat programmes to be supported by prayers of intercession. They involve a struggle of a spiritual as well as of a psychological nature, so the more support we have from people who care about their suffering brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ the more healing we can hope for.
Would you be able to say our ‘Prayer for Healing’ printed at the very bottom of this page each day of the retreat in the name of one of our participants and in spiritual solidarity with them?
Could you offer a rosary? Or spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration?
Would you be able to have a Mass offered?
These kinds of things will form a hidden treasury of healing from which our participants can draw and which will help support our team of volunteers. Of course you don’t have to sign up to do this, but it would be so encouraging if we could share with our participants just how many people are interceding for them and just how much spiritual support they have.
It would be another significant part of their healing for those who have been harmed by those they trusted, to know that someone they have never even met cares enough to lift them up to God.

Prayer for Healing
Lord, the wounds of childhood have suffocated the fullness of my natural generosity and the deepest human longings to be loved and to love. The abuses I have suffered have taught me great lies about the world, bold deceptions about my body, and the hardening of my tender heart.
Lord Jesus, melt the fear and armour that imprisons my heart. The painful legacy of sorrow and shame has turned me fearfully inward, isolating the most beautiful gifts that you have entrusted to me, concealing them from me and from others.
Lord, help me to appreciate the wealth of courage, wisdom and compassion that has been hidden away deep within my body and soul. Help me to open my heart and my history to you. GIve me the courage and trust to know that you embrace each and every moment of abuse that I have ever suffered.
You did not turn away and reject the Passion caused by sin in the world. You embraced your cross and carried it, knowing that what you suffered would end in redemption for the sins of the world. Because of your great love for me, you do not turn away in contempt, but you open your arms to me in comapssion; you look upon me with great care and tenderness.
Lord, help me to feel the balm of your grace, the balm that soothes the bleeding wounds of the past, the Divine Love that binds the broken heart. Amen.